We offer a complete installment of central heating systems of any power. The tubing can be made of copper, steel, or polymer (plastic) tubes.
We offer air conditioning of high quality, a few years of guarantee as well as accessible prices even for the most demanding customers.
We offer solutions for the setting of air conditioning which best suit your space and the most favorable and operatively adequate placement of the external unit so it does not ruin the appearance of your home, accordingly to your wishes.
We guarantee you the servicing within and after the expiration of the warranty. We recommend servicing once a year, except for commercial devices where it should be more frequent, depending on the operating conditions of the device. We perform the servicing and maintenance of larger objects by contract if so demanded. The warranty is valid exclusively if an annual servicing is performed and this is the only way to ensure an impeccable performance.
Information, servicing orders or a free-of-charge insight into your space can be solicited by telephone or electronically.
We offer a complete installment of central heating systems of any power. The tubing can be made of copper, steel, or polymer (plastic) tubes.
We offer all types on work on your plumbing system, the purchase of all types of parts for your plumbing and accessible prices for plumbing parts and installation.
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